Andhra Pradesh’s financial position is getting better at steady pace. Even though there is a dip in the incomes in the first quarter of this financial year, they have picked up in the second quarter. Commercial Taxes, Stamps-Registrations, Land Revenue, Transport, Forests and Mining departments have registered good growth in their incomes.
In mining alone, there is 52% increase in the income when compared to the first quarter while Commercial taxes have seen 19.7% increase when compared to last year. Excise income saw increase of 12.94% while Transport income increased by 37.51% in the second quarter.
Vishakapatnam contributed highest income of the state with 5630.21 Crore in the first half of the year followed by West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and East Godavari. Srikakulam followed by Vizianagaram, Kadapa, Prakasam and Ananthapur are the least contributing districts.