In a latest update, three Indian business tycoons got place in top 50 billionaires around the World. Big shots Mukhesh Ambani, Ajim Premji and Dilip Sangvi made their way to top 50 richest people in the World, according to a combined survey by Wealth X and Business Insider.
As always, Microsoft head Bill Gates sat on top with 87.4 Billion dollars worth. Mukhesh Ambani comes at 27th position with $24.8 Billion. Wipro Chairman Ajim Premji with $16.5 Billion and Dilip Sanghvi with $16.4 Billion were at 43rd and 44th positions respectively.
Spanish Industrialist Amanico Ortego Ganova stayed at 2nd position in this survey with his net worth assets of 66.8 billion and the famous Warren Buffet with $60.7 billion is in third position.
Fourth position is grabbed by Amazon Jeffrey with 56.6. billion dollars and US based businessman David Coach filled in fifth place with 47.4 billion dollars with him.
According to this new list of billionaires, United States has 29, China has four and India has 3 on the top 50.