After Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, TDP Telangana unit working President A Revanth Reddy targeted Governor of AP and Telangana ESL Narasimhan.
The TDP leader held the Governor responsible for the present crisis particularly in the division of judicial officers between two states and the delay in the bifurcation of High Court.
Governor has been given extraordinary powers under AP reorgansiation act to address every issue raised between the two states, the TDP leader wondered why Narasimhan is maintaining silence when the whole judicial fraternity took to the streets demanding for justice in the appointment of the officers and separation of the court.
Revanth alleged the Governor confined to meeting Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and his son and IT minister KT Rama Rao at his Raj Bahvan regularly and forgot the plight of people in the state.