A movie theatre is on give-away spring for the winner of essay writer who can explain the rationality of why they would be next owners of the one of the oldest continuously operated movie theatres. All one can need to be do is that you must submit the rationality by January month end with 100$ fee attached.
The theatre is located in Houlton, Maine and is equipped with digital screening of twin screens existed. Along with the above facilities, the prosperous writer can enjoy all the three stairs of the building ownership includes the said theatres, lodge, apartments and office space. The owner of theatre was set a price of 3,50,000$ price for auction but in vain.
Then he chooses this choice because he will find the good amount of writers through the publicity. Once he receives minimum 3500 applications he will finalise the winner otherwise all the applications are turned out and the fee shall be refunded. Till time there are 200 applications came and many more expected to come.