Seems the farmers of Bethampudi and Undavalli villages of Andhra Pradesh have taken the dialogues of Pawan kalyan in Gabbar Singh seriously and hence erected his cutouts and flexis all over reminding their stand against land pooling for the capital city Amaravati. Land pooling for Amaravati is officially complete except few acres from the farmers who are resisting to give their lands to the government. These farmers are now using Pawan Kalyan’s cutouts to make the officials stay away from their lands. They are expecting the powerstar to speak on their behalf. Nothing is official about Pawan’s tour to these villages again but these farmers are claiming he will come in a week to tour their villages. It’s highly doubtful if Pawan really stand for these minority number of farmers when the majority had showed big resilience and gave their lands without resistance? Also there is news that Pawan has taken his wife to Russia, his wife’s home town.