PV Sindhu a Hyderabad girl, who really made all of us proud after winning the silver medal for our country, she took our nation proud to the heights with game and owned millions of hearts with her dignity and cultural behavior that shows the sportswomen spirit to everyone along with our INDIAN CULTURE!!

PV Sindhu gesture towards opponent shows the heights of India Culture and Dignity, whoever watched the match were just talking all about her simplicity and sportiveness towards the game, which is added glory for this young dynamic lady.
Whoever watched the match, says she rewrote the books of history with her down to earth attitude, as she lost we can see her heartfelt expressions, which gave her ample of pain for losing gold within seconds of times. But still she recovered soon and went to her opponent to share her happiness and hugs her for the victory, later if you all can notice, Carolina Marin threw her racquet with joy of victory and started screaming, pumping her fist in the air with lot of joy and excitement before falling on the ground.

Our Sindhu with broken heart sat down on the court, consoled herself. She noticed opponent racquet lying on the ground, she picked it and placed beside her bag. This shows the respect towards her game and her sportswomen heart toward the profession. Later shared the joy with her co-player and both shared the pleasure of the victory.
Sindhu might have won silver for country, but her attitude, culture, behavior, ethics proved that she is our young lady, where this culture only lies with our great INDIANS always!! Hurray!! Cheers! Thank you once again Sindhu for making all of us proud about you and our nation