Kapu activist Mudhragada Padmanabham who threatened a fast unto death from tomorrow over Kapu reservations, finally relented. Mudhragada announced that his fast is being postponed for the next three months given the Exam season is on for the students. This announcement comes hours after AP government announcing 1000 Crore for Kapu Corporation in the budget.
Also the leadership of Mudhragada over the issue is also broken some how. Mudhragada who is taking independent decision on the issue until now, announced the forming of a JAC with Kapu leaders of all the thirteen districts and announced they will take collective decisions over the future plan of action.
In his address to media, Mudhragada also said by the end of the three months, they will be nearing close to the deadline for the Manjunadha Committee appointed to look in to Kapu Reservations and so will assess things then to decide what to do. Given all this, it is evident, the government some how muzzled Mudhragada.